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FAQ’s of Stem Cell Therapy

Sunday, March 8th, 2015

What is a Stem Cell?

A stem cell is a cell with the ability to differentiate and replicate. This means the cell can duplicate and turn into different types of tissue. Stem Cells seek out damaged or diseased tissue and regenerate healthy cells.

What are the different types of stem cells?

Embryonic Stem Cells: These stem cells are in their embryonic stage and have yet to differentiate so they can change into any body part or tissue. There is considerable controversy in using these stem cells because they are collected from unborn embryos.

Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cells: These stem cells are harvested from a person’s own bone marrow (5,000 to 60,000 in number) and usually cultured in order to multiply the number of stem cells to a few million in order to be reintroduced to the patient for therapy.

Adipose (Fat) Derived Stem Cells: These stem cells are harvested through a simple mini liposuction procedure from a person’s own fat. We have tools to separate the stem cells from the collected fat. Compared to bone marrow, adipose tissue has anywhere from 10 to 40 million cells from a single harvesting process. Adipose stem cells do not have to be cultured to be multiplied so they can be harvested, separated, and used the same day for stem cell therapy.

What diseases and conditions can benefit from stem cell therapy?

A comprehensive evaluation of your case will determine if you are a potential candidate for stem cell therapy. Currently, OC Wellness Rejuvenation and Stem Cell Center offer Adipose Derived Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy for: Orthopedic Conditions, AutoImmune Diseases, Erectile Dysfunction, Cardiac Diseases, Pulmonary Diseases, Renal Failure, some Neurological Disorders, and Skin Disorders.

What Technology is used during Stem Cell Therapy?

OC Wellness Rejuvenation and Stem Cell Center uses Adipose Derived Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells harvested safely under local anesthetic from a person’s own fat tissue. All of our sterile procedures are done in our Center. Harvesting, separating stem cells from the fat tissue, and deployment or injection back into the patient are done on the same day. Some patients will have more than one specialist involved in their therapy. In those cases, harvesting and preparation will take place at our Center and injection will be done in a different location on the same day by other participating specialists involved in their care.

Why does OC Wellness Rejuvenation and Stem Cell Center integrate multiple specialties in the Regenerative Medicine therapies offered?

Patients may suffer from a variety of conditions and diseases. Board certified physicians in multiple specialties are ideal in evaluating your case, make recommendations for potential therapies, and following progress of care. Regenerative Medicine can include Hormone Replacement Therapy, herbal or nutritional therapies, or stem cell therapy. OC Wellness Rejuvenation and Stem Cell Center has a growing network of affiliate physicians of different specialties available when necessary to help provide patients with optimal care.

What claims are currently made by OC Wellness Rejuvenation and Stem Cell Center about what Stem Cell Therapy can do for them?

At this time our Center makes no claims. Following the FDA guidelines, stem cell therapy is considered investigational and as long as we use Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells harvested from a patient’s own adipose (fat tissue) and deployed the same day, our Center is within the guidelines to offer and use this therapy for qualified patients. Once the investigational trials and FDA approval process has been completed, it may be appropriate to submit claims.

Can Stem Cell therapy be used for cancer treatment?

No. At OC Wellness Rejuvenation and Stem Cell Center we use Adipose derived Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cell therapy for noncancerous conditions and diseases. Many people have heard of cancer patients being treated or receiving stem cell transplants following radiation, chemo therapy, or surgery. These patients undergo ablative bone marrow therapy where stem cells are used to multiply healthy blood cells and bone marrow. This is a different therapy from what is currently offered at OC Wellness Rejuvenation and Stem Cell Center.

Do Adipose Derived Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells cause cancer?

No, adipose derived adult mesenchymal stem cells are not known to be a cause of cancer. In rare instances, Embryonic Stem Cells can cause teratomas (a typically benign tumor with tissue or organ components).

Are there any documented adverse reactions from receiving Adipose derived Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cell therapy?

OC Wellness Rejuvenation and Stem Cell Center know of no documented cases or research studies indicating serious adverse events as a result of stem cell therapy. All of our patients are entered into a database to follow and report complications and adverse events. There are currently over 1,000 patient cases registered with the International Stem Cell Society and of those cases only 2% are associated with complications and not considered serious adverse events.

How many stem cell injections are required?

Most patients require one deployment or injection of their own stem cells. AutoImmune Diseases and certain degenerative disorders usually respond best when a series of stem cell injections are administered. Each patient case is evaluated individually and financial consideration is given when necessary.

What improvements are expected after receiving Adipose derived Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cell therapy?

FDA regulations prohibit OCWellness Rejuvenation and Stem Cell Center from making any claims for success. Once you have your comprehensive evaluation and it is determined that you are a candidate for stem cell therapy, explanations will be given for why we believe you may benefit from stem cell therapy. If it is determined that stem cell therapy would not be beneficial, other available options will be discussed including hormone replacement therapy, platelet rich plasma, or herbal and nutritional therapies as alternatives to traditional medications or surgical interventions. There are varying degrees of success for different conditions. For joint cartilage regeneration, improvement may take several months. Regeneration of damaged tissue, resolution or slowing of disease symptoms, and improvements to aging structures may offer patients dramatic results while other patients will see no significant improvement.

Stem Cell Therapy – How long does it take to notice results?

Adipose derived Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cell therapy activates the regenerative healing process in one’s own body. In some cases, immediate responses are noticed while others may not notice results for several months.