Skin Disorders

Uncommon skin disorders can be caused by an overactive autoimmune system or a lack of hormones. Lichen Sclerosus (LS) is a skin condition that commonly occurs in post-menopausal women, but can also occur in adolescents, women, and men. Sometimes LS resolves without treatment. Traditional treatments include strong topical steroid cream, UV light therapy, or in some cases surgical removal.

Current Research Studies

Recent clinical trials have used Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cell therapy to treat abnormal patches of skin.

Case Reports of Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Therapy for Nasal Skin Necrosis after Filler Injection” This is a case study of 2 patients who would have had severe scarring from tissue necrosis. With stem cell injection they recovered with minimal cosmetic effects. (June 10, 2011)