Michael Grossman, MD – Medical Director
Dr. Michael Grossman, Medical Director of OC Wellness Rejuvenation and Stem Cell Center of Irvine, California has been exclusively practicing rejuvenative and antiaging medicine since 2009. He has been in private practice in Orange County California since 1978 and has treated thousands of patients with his preventive and wellness approach to integrative medicine. Throughout his medical career, he has helped both men and women manage the effects of hormone imbalances including the symptoms of menopause, andropause and adrenal fatigue. He is an expert in avoiding surgery to repair injured joints and ligaments and tendons. He specializes in treating autoimmune and degenerative diseases with natural approaches and cutting edge technology including platelet rich plasma and stromal vascular stem cell therapy. Dr. Michael Grossman is a graduate of New York University School of Medicine and a Diplomat of the American Board of Family Practice. He was an Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of California at Irvine School of Medicine. Dr. Grossman trained medical students and residents in natural approaches that complement traditional medicine from 2001 to 2008. Dr. Grossman is also an active member of the fellowship in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine.
OC Wellness & BodyLogicMD of Irvine
Irvine, CA
Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Nutritional and Herbal Therapies, Anti-Aging, Cosmetic Rejuvenation
Affiliate Physicians
Most of our patients will have a specialist involved in their care. Our goal at OC Wellness Rejuvenation and Stem Cell Center is to have an inclusive and multi-specialty approach to help offer adipose derived mesenchymal stem cell therapy or other hormone or herbal therapies to help with various conditions, ailments, or diseases. In many cases our Center will be involved in the collection of adipose tissue and harvesting of adult mesenchymal stem cells only and deliver the stem cells to our affiliate physician or surgeon to deliver the cells to the patient themselves.
Please contact Dr. Michael Grossman if you are interested in discussing becoming an affiliate physician with OC Wellness Rejuvenation and Stem Cell Center. Call 949.222.0232
OC Wellness Rejuvenation and Stem Cell Center would like to be able to send you patients who need to have specialized injections of adipose derived Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells into joints, and/or spine, and/or other locations.
These will be cash based treatments with no insurance.
In addition, we would like to offer you alternative therapies for your chronic pain patients and patients who might otherwise need surgery.
The goal is to make it easy for you without risk to use this new technology. Dr. Grossman is happy to have you be the hero and I’ll just provide Stem Cell Stromal Vascular Fraction.
If you identify a patient, Dr. Grossman will be happy to call them and discuss the treatment and the price.
After obtaining and processing Stem Cells, our Center will deliver Stem Cells to your office that same day for you to inject into your patient.
In addition when you become an affiliate you will be covered under malpractice for any stem cell injections.
For further discussion, please contact our Center at 949.222.0232