OC Wellness Rejuvenation and Stem Cell Center
Michael Grossman, MD - Medical Director

Our practice is dedicated to offering cutting edge technology and innovative therapies. We are pleased to be able to offer patients with acute and chronically damaged tissues a therapy that uses their own adult mesenchymal stem cells obtained from adipose tissue (fat). Our Center is partnered with the global organization Cell Surgical Network. We are committed to advancing Regenerative Medicine. The field is an evolving area where we can help the body repair damaged or diseased tissue. Traditional therapies for Regenerative Medicine include Hormone Replacement Therapy or herbal and nutritional therapies. Advancements in genetic research have led to using Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cell therapy for degenerative, acute, and chronic conditions.
Stem Cell Therapy
FAQ’s of Stem Cell Therapy
What is a Stem Cell? A stem cell is a cell with the ability to differentiate and replicate. This means the cell can duplicate and turn into different types of tissue. Stem Cells seek out damaged or diseased tissue and regenerate healthy cells. What are the different types of stem cells? Embryonic Stem Cells: These […]
Stem Cell Research for Multiple Sclerosis
“Stem Cell Transplants may be More Effective than the drug Mitoxantrone for People with Severe Cases of Multiple Sclerosis” This was a phase-II clinical trial with 21 patients at least age 36 who required cane or crutch assistance to walk. All 21 patients received immunosuppressant medication. For this study, 12 patients were then treated with […]